· Volunteer ·
Are you in the Naperville/Aurora area and have some service or some time you'd like to contribute to the reunion?
If so, contact Kathleen Dooley (Kathy McNally) at kathleen_dooley@yahoo.com.
· Bring your memorabilia! ·
We would like to have a display area for some high school memorabilia. This might include uniforms, show programs, pom poms, WVHS T-shirts, prom programs, etc. If you have some things to share, please contact Tim Curtis at tim@riverfrontplayhouse.com.
· Send us your digital photos! ·
We are putting together an electronic slide show of photos from high school. If you would like to share some of your photos, we'd love it! Please send them to Tim Curtis at
Photos should be electronically scanned and sent with the following format:

72 dpi
4" x 6" (or 6" x 4")